Doki Doki Literature Club is a visual novel created by Team Salvato for the PC. It was originally released on September 22, 2017. The player takes on the role of a male high school student who joins the school's literature club and interacts with its four female members.
Doki Doki Literature Club is a free, story-driven game about a male high school student who joins the school's literature club and interacts with its four female members. The player takes on the role of this protagonist and interacts with the four female members of the literature club: Sayori, Natsuki, Yuri, and Monika. The game is in the style of a visual novel and features occasional moments of interactive gameplay.
The story is told from the perspective of an unnamed protagonist who is a member of the school's literature club. On the surface, the game appears to be a lighthearted story about a boy who joins the club and interacts with its four female members. However, the protagonist gradually learns that something is amiss. Sayori, the president of the club, is shown to be a cheerful girl who cares for her fellow club members, but she occasionally exhibits self-harming behavior. Natsuki is a member of the track team, and she is a bit of a tsundere. Yuri is a member of the drama club and she's the most mature of the group. Monika is the vice president of the club and she is a very intelligent and talented girl.
The protagonist falls in love with one of the four girls, and the player can choose which girl to pursue. After a few in-game days, the protagonist learns that Sayori committed suicide and that it was his fault. The protagonist feels guilty and decides to join the club to try to change the future. The protagonist learns that Yuri was bullied and that it was his fault. The protagonist feels guilty and decides to join the club to try to change the future. The protagonist learns that Natsuki was being abused and that it was his fault. The protagonist feels guilty and decides to join the club to try to change the future. The protagonist learns that Monika was the only one who really cared about him and that it was his fault. The protagonist feels guilty and decides to join the club to try to change the future.
Step-by-Step Guide How to Play Doki Doki Literature Club
1. Download the Doki Doki Literature Club launcher
2. Select the game's language
3. Select the game's resolution
4. Wait for the launcher to finish downloading
5. Press the Play button
6. Press the Install button
7. Press the Play button again
8. Press the "I Agree" button
9. Press the "Next" button
10. Press the "Install" button
11. Press the "Play" button
12. Press the "Finish" button